DTSC-200 is the ultimate control for new ATS (automatic transfer switch) builds and retrofits. A complete measurement and protection package, it easily configures to Utility-to-Generator, Generator-to-Generator, or Utility-to-Utility systems for open, delayed, or closed-transition transfer with synch-check to ensure the smoothest possible transfer.
High-end features like transfer inhibit, source priority selection, load shed, motor load disconnect, elevator pre-signal, and engine exerciser timers come standard in this incredibly versatile, cost-effective control.
Feature overview:
- Configurable for open, delayed, and closed transition transfer
- Configurable for Utility-to-Gen, Generator-to-Generator, and Utility-to-Utility applications
- Closed transition transfers can be accomplished in times < 100ms
- In-phase monitoring (sync-check)
- Load/no load test functionality
- Engine exerciser (load/no load test) routine with fully adjustable interval
- Peak shaving mode
- Load shedding
- Extended parallel time (for closed transition transfers that take longer than 100ms)
- Transfer and/or re-transfer inhibit
- Source priority selection
- Elevator pre-transfer and motor load disconnect timers
- Event/Alarm log system with real time clock
- Internal breaker interlock utilizing discrete inputs for breaker position detection
- Freely configurable discrete I/O with support for external I/O expansion units (e.g. Woodward IKD 1)
- RS-232, RS-485 and CAN bus interfaces for remote control and visualization purposes
- Supports CANopen and Modbus RTU protocols
- PC and/or front display configuration
- 128x64 pixels graphic LCD display
- LogicsManager provides programmable logic functions that eliminate relay logic or PLC`s
- True RMS voltage, current and power sensing
- LEDs for source availability and breaker status